Amphibious Screens - Elemental Iceland

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i arrangement eller begivenhed - typerDeltagelse i workshop, seminar og kursus

Eva Novrup Redvall - Deltager

The watery topography of the Icelandic media ecosystem provides unique possibilities for ecocritical perspectives on screen media. Not only does water envelop the Icelandic landmass it also interacts with the constantly morphing volcanic activity of the island’s geological constitution. Water is a key resource providing both sustenance and employment as well as being the dominant component of Iceland’s energy infrastructure (with hydropower providing up to 73% of total domestic energy). Water is not only a key component of the Icelandic cultural, social, economic, and political ecosystem, but an essential part of its cinematic imaginary as well its media production infrastructure.

The Icelandic screen media industry currently thrives on both an image of ‘Cool Icelandia’ with esoteric impressions of the country utilized for cultural capital. At the same time, Iceland operates as a globalized ‘non-place’ for mobile productions (including major Hollywood blockbusters seeking dystopian landscapes or TV shows using harsh exoticism like Game of Thrones). This balance between a localised context and a dysmorphic multi-purpose landscape is especially reliant on elemental water (including water as steam and ice). The second workshop of the Amphibious Screens project will feature filmmakers, environmental managers, academics and educators to evaluate the ways water forms a part of Iceland’s cultural imaginary and how it is used as a production resource.

Speakers: Pietari Kaapa, Sebastian Konefal, Steven Meyers, Þórdís Björt Sigþórsdóttir, Björn Þór Vilhjálmsson, Sigga Rósa Bjarnadóttir and Joanne Garde-Hansen.
15 feb. 2022


WorkshopAmphibious Screens - Elemental Iceland
AfholdelsesstedUniversity of Warwick

ID: 292083858